Shift the relationship in banking by unlocking the power of your Banking data
In today’s fast paced business environment, increasing numbers of companies are leveraging the powerof cloud basedinformation systems. This enables them to be able to make informed decisions about their business needs, cost situation and greatly remove the information barriers that companies faced in the past, particularly in the area of digitally supplied services. But still, there is one area where businesses haven’t been able get the level of transparency they demand and this is in the area of their banking requirements.
Building a Treasury Function for your firm is a very asymmetric process. The banks hold all the information. Products are not easily comparable. Martin Arnold, Banking Editor of the Financial Times reports today on the opaque nature of information that is available to corporates on their banking products. Regulations are planned by the FCA that could potentially re-balance this problem for some corporates.
However, here in Bankhawk we have always believed that it is possible to uncover the secrets to getting banking information more efficiently. We believe that regulations don’t solve this problem in the long-term. Our solution is one of empowering our customers with accurate information to help support fast reporting and decision making. Using Bankhawk Analytics corporates can improve their control of cash; benchmarking their costs of banking and model insights on their banking structure.